Daily Archives: March 15, 2017

How to Go Deep in Meditation: A Natural Knack

Meditation is a natural, good-to-know, life-skill that can significantly improve the quality of life-experience. Learning to meditate from beginner to advanced is like learning to swim or learning to ride a bicycle.

Deep meditation is deep relaxation, a natural process of life like hibernation. In deep meditation you cease all the voluntary activities and exist as involuntary blissful natural process of life.

In deep meditation, you relax and disappear psychologically as a person but remain fully aware and detached without the Self. Fully aware and detached without the Self, you reflect and become self-aware without the Self. In deep meditation, you relax in bliss of the natural processes of life as if hibernating in deep conscious sleep independent of the known and known.

Beginner’s Relaxing Meditation: Stress Relief Using Technique.

In the beginning, a new meditator depends on some techniques of meditation practice in order to withdraw and dissociate from known and unknown by staying focused on one experience.

By staying focused on one experience, the body relaxes, mind calms down and awareness, the phenomenon of knowing becomes seamlessly clear. Since the breathing become deep and slow, respiration improves, and you feel fresh and rejuvenated.

As a new meditator, you may still suffer from the Self and its negativities in form of self-identification, self-ideation, self-conception, inner self, due to association with ideas like name, class, caste, religion, race, nationality etc.. or feeling of being inner self due to the residual stress of habitual association with known and unknown.

As you advance in the practice, you become more aware beyond self and it’s negativities enjoying the natural bliss of meditation.

Intermediate Blissful Meditation: Self-Awareness Beyond Self

Regularly practice of meditation as a beginner, will reduce impact of stress from the body and calm the mind. As you advance in meditation, you will become more self-aware beyond the Self.

As intermediate meditator, you can spend more time meditating, easily getting relaxed, feeling energized and rejuvenated even by a short meditation.

Detached Self-Awareness Without Inn-Self

Deeply relaxed as an intermediate meditator, without stress in the body and with calm mind, you will dissociate and disappear psychologically to remain self-aware and detached without inner self.

Self-awareness is reflecting awareness or a reflecting phenomenon of knowing due to dissociation from known and unknown. Self-aware and detached from known and unknown, you can remain aware of being aware for short moments.

No-Self and Awareness Beyond Self

Fully aware and without feeling of being inner self, you will stay beyond self that is based on self-conception, self-ideation, self-identifications in forms like name, gender, relation, class, caste, religion, nationality etc.

While this is happing during the regular practice of meditation, you will realize that you are changing and becoming better without negativities associated with the Self. Meditating longer and deeper as clear seamless detached awareness without inner self, you will get more energized and rejuvenated.

At intermediate level of meditation practice, you may still depend on meditation technique or practice to regularly restore fully detached self-awareness beyond self in order to reach the natural bliss of meditation.

Advanced Effortless Meditation: Natural Liberating Bliss

Due to self-transformation through discipline and regular practice of meditation, the advanced meditator neither feels like being inner self nor suffers from the Self and it’s negativities.

Fully self-aware without the Self, the advanced meditator enjoys natural bliss of meditation independent of any practice. Advanced meditator becomes psychologically mature, independent and liberated.

Advanced meditator is supply and flexibly aware, thus knowing correctly in the right context and self-aware, thus knowing the truth or own nature correctly in the right context.

Advanced meditator can effortlessly relax and remain self-aware with calm mind without inner self or the Self. Advanced meditator can easily remain aware of being aware in deep conscious sleep as if hibernating.

Advanced meditator is effortless in meditation due to spiritual enlightenment by recognizing the truth or their nature correctly through insight into seamless clarity of awareness and becoming self-aware without the Self.

Meditation is a natural knack like floating on water and learning to meditate is like learning to swim. Advanced meditator can meditate in any circumstance and do any activity meditatively just like a swimmer can swim effortlessly in any style and in any water.

How To Go Deep in Meditation Practice

Journey to go deep in meditation can be naturally smooth if you can be natural without the Self or subliminal stress giving rise to feeling of being inner self. Without the Self and inner self, you can smoothly relax in deep meditation and enjoy the natural pleasure of meditation. Following is some of the cause and conditions necessary to go deep in meditation.

Peaceful and Secure Ethical Lifestyle

A peaceful and secure ethical lifestyle can help you to relax and go deep in meditation. If you are at conflict or feel insecure, your mind will not calm down easily, your body will remain tensed, your breathing will remain shallow or distressed and your energies necessary for deep meditation will remain blocked.

Practice Meditation with Physically Active Lifestyle

Maintain physically active lifestyle or practice meditation after any physical exercise. Practice of deep meditation needs healthy circulation of vital force in body. Mantaining active lifestyle or exercising creates more space in body for circulation of vital force necessary to go deep in meditation.

Practice Should Be Relaxing

Practicing the methods of meditation should not give rise to any kind of physiological stress or psychological activities in the mind. Rather, any practice of meditation should naturally relax the body, balance the vital forces, calm the mind and bring dissociation of the practitioner from known and unknown.

Practice Should be Natural

Practice and methods of meditation has to be natural, for example awareness of breath at the entrance of nostrils, awareness in between two consecutive thoughts, awareness of body, awareness during physical activities, awareness in between eyebrows, awareness on single point, etc. Awareness should be focused effortless in such a way that there is no opportunity to think.

Practice Meditation in Right Posture

In right natural posture while keeping lower back straight and body naturally relaxed, meditation methods should be practiced persistently and regularly. You can easily keep lower back straight by folding the legs in knees and keeping level of knees lower than level of lap. For meditation use a horizontal seat that is neither too hard nor too soft.

Practice Regularly

Meditation should be practiced regularly in order for it to deepen. Just like learning to swim, you have to practice meditation regularly until you know it effortlessly without practice.

Do Not Crave or Seek Exotic Experiences

Meditation is a natural practice of deep stress relief, but it can give you exotic experiences or unusual abilities. Acknowledge and ignore them in order to remain self-aware and detached. Do not crave for experiences or try to repeat experiences resulting from deep meditation. Craving will hinder your journey to deep meditation and liberation.

Find Experienced Meditator For Guidance

Seek guidance from experienced meditator who has practiced and known meditation deeply. In deep meditation you become fully aware but lose yourself and the feeling of being inner self. It can be precarious for some to live the way they live without the Self.

Deep meditation can change you as a person and you may make drastic changes to the way you live. An experienced meditator can guide you how to integrate deep meditation with day-to-day life without affecting practicality of life.

Avoid Extreme Undisciplined Lifestyles

Avoid extreme lifestyles in order to keep body healthy and mind calm. Due to extreme lifestyles, you may not feel like practicing meditation regularly and your practice may not deepen to advanced level. With moderate and restrained lifestyle, you will find the time and discipline necessary for becoming advanced meditator. A disciplined lifestyle is necessary for any kind of mastery and equally applies to practice of meditation.

Lose Inner-Self By Letting Go

You cannot go deep in the practice of meditation without losing inner self. Inner self exist as inner doer, inner thinker, inner feeler, inner doer etc. You can lose this feeling of being inner self by relaxing, breathing appropriately, and letting go yourself steadfastly in seamlessly clear awareness without activities in the mind.

Overcome the Fear of Losing Inner Self

Deep meditation can feel like psychological death. In deep meditation you can remain fearful of disappearing psychologically and losing inner self. Overcome the fear by letting go yourself in deep meditation frequently but surely over a period of time. You will realize that the more you lose your inner-self the more aware you become and easily remain self-aware without the Self.

Live With Awareness

Once you are able to remain fully self-aware and detached from known and unknown, recognize awareness as the truth of your nature through insight into self-awareness and live your day-to-day life with awareness. No where to reach, nothing to achieve, just being natural in the present with the relevant is the essence of meditation.