Monthly Archives: November 2018

Spiritual Tantra: Spiritual Awareness Through Orgasm

fingers touching each other.Tantra means technique, commonly associated with regaining naturally evolved awareness through sexual orgasm. Spiritual tantra is a technique of involuntarily weaving biological orgasm with seamlessly clear awareness without the Self. Tantra is “Awargasm”. For some tantra is a therapy, for some it is fun and for some it is prayer.

Undoing Repression Through Tantra for Spiritual Awareness

You are awareness, the phenomenon of knowing arising due to your constituent cause and conditions. Awareness is phenomenon of knowing correctly in the right context as it is without the Self.

Spiritual awareness is detached awareness due to reflecting clear seamless awareness through which you can remain aware of being aware without inner self or the Self.

Spiritual does not mean supernatural. Spiritual means naturally rich. Spirit is phenomenon arising like a pattern due to dynamic interaction of harmoniously integrated constituent cause and conditions. Spiritual awareness is phenomenon of seamlessly clear detached awareness due to naturally rich cause and conditions of life.

You are awareness, the phenomenon of knowing, arising due to your indispensable constituent cause and conditions including processes of life. However, the processes of your life can get distorted due to wrong birthing, wrong upbringing and wrong lifestyle.

Unhealthy life processes cause subliminal stress that makes you feel as if you are inner self and obsess you with the Self. You may feel Self-conscious due to unhealthy processes of life. Due to the Self as a result of distorted processes of life, you may not be able to fully experience life or live harmoniously with the reality.

Biological sexuality is one of the processes of life that can get distorted due to wrong upbringing or wrong attitude to sexuality. Spiritual tantra undo sexual repression and heal the process of life thus giving rise to seamless clarity of detached awareness without the Self. Tantra is deepest healing for deepest stress and trauma.

Biological Orgasm Through Clear Seamless Awareness

Majority of humans cannot reach their natural potential for sexual orgasm and remain naturally unfulfilled. Human sexuality remains biological and fail to become spiritual meditation.

Human sexuality gets repressed in the confines of society due to subliminal stress in form of inner self and obsession with the Self. Due to repression, human sexuality is limited to arousal, dissipation and procreation.

Ordinary human sexual act is characterized by unawareness, tension and hurry, though it may be subtle. Sexual act may start with conscious relaxation but ends with tension, hurry and loss of self-regulation. Ordinarily, you get swayed and overwhelmed by sexual orgasm.

Ordinarily, sexual act is not oriented towards the present moment from start to end. It is oriented towards forthcoming pleasure, the scale of which is comparatively small.  Due to this, sexual orgasm fails to reach its full potential, you remain unfulfilled, and the possibility of meditation is lost.

Awareness can change the quality of all experiences. Sexuality is no exception to this. Seamlessly clear detached awareness without the Self can refine sexuality, unleash full spectrum of orgasm and turn sexuality from a momentary biological life process into a sublime art of meditation.

Clear seamless awareness can also increase your sensitivity and enhance the vividness of biological orgasm. A slight waft of biological orgasm conserved through clear seamless awareness can fill you with deep fulfillment far greater than the mundane biological sexuality.

Free from desires and fears, clear seamless awareness distinctly evolved through meditation, can change quality and dynamics of human sexual orgasm. Spiritual awareness with orgasm is an immense pleasure, the scale of which is far greater than ordinary sexuality. It is a cocktail of deep relaxation, orgasm, vital force and meditation.

Healing Through Spiritual Orgasm

Deep subliminal healing is one of the Tantra meditation benefits.

Through deep relaxation and seamless clarity of awareness during sexual orgasm, the waves of orgasm can be involuntarily diverted away from dissipation towards assimilation in the body. Full potential for orgasm can be unleashed and orgasm can be assimilated to nourish the body through sexual healing.

Relaxation and spiritual awareness during orgasm can make you sensitive like at the time of birth. Through awareness and relaxation during orgasm, your entire body can become orgasmic.

Full spectrum of orgasm can cause disintegration of ego i.e., the feeling of being inner self, and induce deep meditation. The process may seem death-like. Your psychological identity may disintegrate as you remain aware and relaxed, centered in the vortex of orgasm.

Full spectrum of orgasmic energy can convert ordinary awareness into spiritual awareness unaffected by experiences amidst experiences.

The full spectrum of orgasm is your sublime natural instinct hidden within the earthly biological compulsions. It is a natural potential of human awareness arising from distinctly evolved complex human processes of life. However, this natural potential needs to be cultivated, just like you learn to swim. Though you do not know to swim by birth, you have natural potential to swim.

Spiritual Tantra is Your Rich Natural Potential

The potential to enter depths of meditation through orgasm and sexuality is a natural human potential that can be learned instinctively by becoming naturally rich through awareness, relaxation and correct breathing.

Process of finding depths of meditation in sexual passions is like lotus blooming in sludge, it is like finding diamond in coal mine. You have to get inside the sludge to find lotus. You have to get your hands and feet colored with coal to find diamonds.

If you stay conservative or hedonist towards sexuality, you will be egoistic due to feeling of being inner self or the Self and you cannot remain relaxed and detached from experience of orgasm amidst orgasm.

Without an objectively detached awareness, you get glued to experience of orgasm while remaining as inner being or the Self, and you may miss the lotus of meditation from sludge of sexuality.

Your natural potential for full spectrum of orgasm and transformation through sexuality may remain untapped forever due to the artificial ideas of sexual conservatism or sexual hedonism.