Monthly Archives: November 2022

Spiritual Enlightenment is Dispelling Self-Ignorance and Being Natural.

Enlightenment is to recognize the truth and dispel ignorance. Enlightenment feels like great relief and peace due to dispelling of ignorance.

Spiritual enlightenment is peace and relief felt due to dispelling of self-ignorance. Spiritual enlightenment is to recognize the truth of your nature, otherwise concealed due to self-ignorance arising from self-conceptions, hallucinations and hypnosis as a result of wrong upbringings and wrong way of life. Spiritual enlightenment is caused by recognizing the truth of your nature and is not conditional or does not depend on conditions. It is simple recognition of the truth.

You arise from nature. You are not an artificially defined imaginary idea of eternal inner soul related to supreme creator and controller. This world and life is neither solely created by one supreme factor nor can be solely controlled by any one supreme factor.

You exist as phenomenon of knowing arising due to processes of life and you involuntarily become your actions. Idea of inner self or inner being independent of your indispensable constituent conditions is a hallucination due to self-ignorance.

You are the knower but not the inner knower independent of your constituent conditions. You are the phenomenon of knowing arising due to your indispensable constituent conditions. You are aggregate result of your indispensable constituent cause and conditions.

Feeling of being inner self is hallucination created due to activities in the mind and subliminal physiological stress. Hallucination of being inner self is strengthened by hypnosis due to artificial self-image based on artificial ideas and beliefs regarding oneself.

During deep meditation when your mind is calm, body is relaxed, and energies are balanced, then your psychological personality disappears, and you are fully aware of being aware without feeling of being inner self and without hypnosis by self-image.

Without the hallucination of being inner-self and hypnosis by the Self, you are natural and effortlessly aware of being aware in between two consecutive thoughts and you experience everything without getting drawn or lost into known and unknown.

As clear seamless awareness of being aware detached from experiences, you are the phenomenon of knowing without inner knower. Like all phenomenon, as awareness, you are empty void without your indispensable constituent conditions. This recognition of the truth of your nature is enlightenment resulting due to dispelling of self-ignorance.

Such natural state of awareness detached and reflecting from it’s constituent conditions, is a matured phenomenon of knowing correctly in the right context and can be recognized through intuitive insight as truth of your nature distinct from experiences. This recognition is enlightenment resulting due to dispelling of self-ignorance.

Life After Spiritual Enlightenment

Spiritual enlightenment is to be completely natural in the present moment as a result of recognizing the truth of your nature.

Spiritual enlightenment is a recognition of the truth of your nature as it was since the beginning of your life. It is to become whole by recovering and recognizing that natural state as if never corrupted throughout your rich natural growth, maturity and development.

Spiritual enlightenment dispels self-ignorance including the hallucination of being inner self and hypnosis by self-image. After spiritual enlightenment, due to absence of hypnotic self-ignorance, you disappear psychologically just like a dream disappears when you wake up fully.

Spiritual enlightenment is like waking out of a dream or realizing that you have been enacting the self-conception and self-image due to hypnosis in the play and drama of life.

After spiritual enlightenment you are fully naturally aware without getting drawn or lost into experiences, and you live in present with the great natural flow of life without getting influenced by personal likes(cravings) or dislikes(aversions) arising from self-image.

Full awareness is unrestricted and feels like infinite deathlessness, however the feeling is simply due to harmony in the conditions of life-processes. Feeling of deathlessness is just like no notion of self during early stages of infancy.

Free from the Self, you are naturally aware and instinctively upright thus living through right thoughts, philosophies and ideas for the right reason, for right values and right principles to shape the long haul of life meaningfully.

Enlightened, you are naturally at peace and in order. It is result of your maturity and freedom from ignorance.