Monthly Archives: June 2023

Self-Awareness: Sublime Reflecting Detached Awareness Without the Self

You are awareness, the phenomenon of knowing, arising due to your indispensable constituent cause and conditions, you become your actions and continue in the effect of your actions. Detached and fully aware without associating with the known and unknown, you reflect and become self-aware without the Self.

You are not the Self that exist due to your association with the known and unknown. Like all phenomenon, you are empty, ephemeral without independent Self or inner self and you exist on account of your cause and condition.

Awareness is natural phenomenon of knowing correctly in the right context whereas self-awareness without the Self is knowing the truth of your nature, correctly in the right context due to reflecting, awareness.

Self-aware, you know the truth of your nature beyond expression as it is without the Self, inner self or any other strings attached. Awareness and self-awareness without the Self is sublime because words cannot explain its obviousness and profound simplicity.

Awareness is a phenomenon of knowing due to cause and conditions of life just like brightness is a phenomenon of illumination due to dispersion of light. Awareness is a phenomenon of knowing just like brightness is a phenomenon of illumination. There is no eternal Self or inner self independent of cause and conditions.

Awareness and self-awareness without the Self is your psychological independence and freedom resulting from your naturally rich growth and maturity. As you grow and mature naturally, you become fully aware, mature, independent and free.

Fully aware, you can remain aware and detached, knowing correctly in the right context as it is without getting swayed by the effect of known and unknown.

Pure Knowing Through Clear Seamless Detached Awareness

Clear seamless awareness is phenomenon of knowing the reality correctly in the right context as it is without getting affected by the known or unknown. It is an eagle’s eye view of the know and known.

Clear seamless awareness is knowing without any reaction to the known or unknown. Through clear seamless awareness, the knowing and response is purely harmonious with the reality of cause and conditions.

Clear seamless awareness is pure knowing without activities in the mind or without giving rise to inner knower or inner self. Through clear seamless awareness, you know with equanimity and respond impersonally not according to the Self. Knowing through clear seamless awareness is neither arbitrary nor selective.

Through clear seamless awareness, you neither associate nor identify with the known or unknown. Without your association or identification with known or unknown, you are neither the Self nor the inner self.

Inner self and the Self both are due to association or identification with known and unknown whereas seamlessly clear awareness is due to lack of association or identification with the known and unknown. Self-awareness is to be your natural self and not self-knowledge.

Sublime State of Detached Awareness Without Self

The state of detached awareness is sublime because it is difficult to explain its obvious simplicity and profoundness in words.

Awareness is Enlightening

Ability to remain aware and detached without getting psychologically glued to known or unknown is the highly venerated phenomenon of knowing because of it’s enlightening effect on experiences, life, actions and effects of those actions.

Detached Self-Awareness Dispels Self-Ignorance

Fully aware and detached, you know yourself correctly in the right context to become self-aware. Self-aware, you realize that there is neither inner self nor the Self that is independent of constituent cause and conditions.

Remaining seamlessly aware and detached, knowing correctly in the right context, can relieve subliminal stress, dispel the hallucination of being inner self, dispel hypnosis due to self and cure self-ignorance just like darkness is dispelled by brightness.

Self-aware you are at peace as if at your home, feeling secure and rescued from the hypnosis by the world and hallucinations of the Self.

Detached Self-Awareness is Awareness of Being Aware Without Self

Fully aware and detached without inner self, you are free from the Self and self-ignorance. Without the Self and self-ignorance, you are free from the negativities that arises due to the Self and self-ignorance. Without the Self, you are no more rigid, you become well-adjusted and harmonious with the reality of cause and conditions.

Detached Awareness is Non-Attachment

Knowing correctly in the right context as detached awareness without inner-self, you can be free from desires, aversions and attachments. Non-attachment is harmonious with the supreme law of change and impermanence. Non-attachment to the changing world and impermanent life is the key to happiness.

Detached Awareness Without Self is Natural State of Peace and Relief

Without desires, aversions and attachments, you are unaffected by insecurity, uncertainty or lack of control. You feel naturally relieved, secure and at peace when fully aware without self and all the negativities of self that gives rise to rigidity and conflict.

Detached awareness is a natural state of peace, relief and equanimity unaffected by known or unknown. It is naturally rich state of individual irrespective of and their external attitudes or actions and independent of their external circumstances.

Detached Awareness is Your Psychological Maturity and Suppleness

Awareness is your psychological independence and freedom due to your psychological maturity and suppleness.

If your constituent cause and conditions are healthy, you are a fully matured phenomenon of awareness, knowing your experiences correctly in the right context and without ignorance, hallucinations or hypnosis in form of the Self.

Fully aware without inner self or self, you are equanimous knowing impartially and impersonally. Your knowledge is neither arbitrary nor selective.

Harmonious integrity of your constituent cause and conditions can be due to different factors including right birthing, right upbringing, right living, right actions, deep stress relief, freedom from desires, aversions, and attachments, etc.

As you grow psychologically mature and become aware, you get detached from the known and unknown. Detached from the known and unknown, you know without getting controlled by the effect of known or unknown.

Source of Compassion and Empathy

Greater natural complexity and evolution of life-form manifest as greater sensitivity, empathy and compassion. Matured and without self-ignorance, as detached awareness, you are sensitive, empathetic and compassionate towards yourself and other life forms.

Detached Awareness is Involuntary Self-Regulation

Aware and detached, you are naturally or instinctively balanced and involuntarily self-regulated without trying. This way you are naturally or instinctually righteous.

Detached Awareness Feels Like Deathlessness

Detached seamlessly clear awareness is state of natural peace and natural fulfillment resulting from your psychological maturity. Seamlessly clear detached awareness is unrestricted awareness and may feel like deathlessness due to harmony in the conditions of life-processes.

Without the Self or feeling of being inner self, seamless clarity of detached awareness feels like deathlessness.

Connect To Natural Innocence

Aware and detached, you can get rid of inner-self and all notions of the Self that you accumulated while growing as the part of society and you become whole by restoring and connecting to your natural innocence, as if never corrupted throughout your growth and maturity. Aware and detached you are real by being the truth of your nature.

Detached Awareness is North Star of Life

As detached clear seamless awareness, you are your own refuge and north star in the wilderness of life without need for crutches of the Self and duality of inner self.

Method of Becoming Self Aware Between Thoughts

Sit comfortably in right posture with straight lower back for meditation.

Withdraw and detached from known and unknown by focusing and remaining aware of each and every breath at entrance of nostril in such a way that you do not get any opportunity to think.

Remain aware of each breath at entrance of nostrils until you remain clearly and seamlessly aware of gap between two consecutive thoughts.

As constant clear seamless awareness of gap between two consecutive thoughts, you can get completely detached from known and unknown experiences including but not limited to body, mind and the world around.

While remaining aware OF gap between two consecutive thoughts you disappear psychologically and mature into detached awareness IN between two consecutive thoughts.

Aware and detached in between two consecutive thoughts, you can remain aware or being aware and become self-aware.

Life Through Detached Awareness Without Self-Ignorance

Hallucination of being inner self and hypnosis by the Self is due to stress of association with the known or unknown. Detached awareness is self-awareness without the Self, due to dissociation with the known and unknown. Without the Self or inner self, there is no self-ignorance.

You Live Like Water

Fully aware without inner self and the Self, you become like water, fluid, well-adjusted and at advantage, harmoniously adapting with your conditions, without rigidity or conflict that arises due to inner self and self.

Live With Beginner’s Mind Like an Original Explorer

Detached and aware without the Self, you approach life impersonally and spontaneously with beginner’s mind and spirit of an original explorer but with more awareness, sensitivity, empathy and compassion due to your maturity.

You Connect to Open Intelligence

Aware and detached without self, you are connected to the vast interconnected reality of life and you not only have your known individual intelligence but also the unknown intelligence from life and reality of cause and conditions.

Live Synchronously with Life Acting Skillfully Without Striving

Aware and detached without self, without getting attached, you can live spontaneously synchronous with the great natural flow of life without personal likes or dislikes arising due to self. Through such awareness, you skillfully chose right cause and conditions to act effortlessly without striving.

Live By Being Real

Aware, while being detached from experiences amidst experiences, you are the truth of your nature without trying and you become your actions involuntarily without trying just like you breathe air and digest food without trying. Fully aware and self-aware without the Self, you are real. Being real, you can know correctly in the right context and live an authentic intense life.

You do not exist as anything other than the ephemeral phenomenon of knowing arising due to dynamic interaction of your indispensable constituent cause and conditions. You become your actions, and you continue in the effects of your actions.