Ideas represent possibilities in reality or imaginations. Ideas are imaginations or psychological point of views that can be real or unreal. Ideas are not tricks or hacks, but tricks and hacks can arise from the idea of making life easy or difficult. Ideas are imagination in some context.
Creativity and resourcefulness can give person the ability to see the contexts and come up with ideas. Due to their creative imagination, humans are capable of complex thinking and creating ideas. Ideas that you behold knowingly or unknowingly affect your attitude, your actions and the effect of your actions.
Ideas constitute philosophy. For example, philosophy of stoicism is based on ideas of minimalism, courage, justice, virtue. Philosophy of Taoism is based on naturalism, balance & equilibrium, being like water. Philosophy of Islam is based on idea of surrender to the security of supreme peace. Philosophy of Buddhism is based on ideas of impermanence, no-self, emptiness, conditional arising, collective karma, end of suffering etc.
Ideas can be universal or narrow, good or bad, right or wrong, true or false, real or unreal, advantageous or disadvantageous etc. Some ideas can be materialized to represent reality, for example scientific ideas. Some ideas are false and do not represent reality, for example idea of eternal immortal inner self independent of it’s constituent cause and conditions or idea of supreme power that has will and wish to create, control or bestow.
True ideas can be materialized, verified, validated, proven, demonstrated, applied or at least known personally. Some ideas can be invented and turned into reality in form of technology, for example, ideas of currency representing valuables or idea of artificial wings in order to fly. Ideas can get misused due to wrong motives and methods behind their execution.
Under the umbrella of ideas, thoughts and philosophies manifest principles, policies, institutions, laws, rules, regulations, strategies, forms, practices, culture, customs, etc. For example, idea of right to privacy implemented through policies like HIPAA and upheld through laws and judiciary. This gives rise to a culture based on respecting others privacy. Thoughts and Ideas lie at the root of the human world.
Narrow rigid ideas bring mental slavery. Universal ideas broaden mind whereas freedom from all kinds of ideas bring psychological maturity.
Ideally, ideas should be universally true or real, manifestable, applicable, demonstrable, beneficial, evident or at least a personal experience, knowledge and understanding. Belief and faith in ideas is dumb. Ideas should be livable rather than believable.
Beliefs in wrong ideas can manifest knowingly or unknowingly in form or wrong attitudes, actions, forms, practices, cultures, customs etc. Early life beliefs can have hypnotic effect on individuals making them psychologically immature and credulous.
It is also necessary to understand which ideas are important for reaching objectives, meeting goals and nurturing values. Objectives are motives, intensions or reasons behind goals. Ideally, objective should be ethical or noble. Goals, representing needs and desires, should be SMART, i.e. specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time bound. Value system represents what is of value or importance and in what order.
When you know what to value, you will know which ideas and it’s manifestations are important and in which order of priority. For example, for some the idea of life is more valuable than the idea of freedom and justice; but for some, the idea of freedom and justice are more valuable than the idea of life. Hence some societies will invest more in life science and healthcare while some will invest more in law, order and judiciary.
To know and understand manifestation of ideas correctly in the right context, it is necessary to have a detached seamless clarity of awareness, the phenomenon of knowing correctly in the right context without getting associated with known or unknown. Without self-ideation or self-identification, you are fully aware without inner self and your thinking is universal. Thinking through a universal point of view, your ideas can be wise and harmoniously synchronous with the greater context of life, nature and society.
Based on right thoughts, ideas and philosophies, the long haul of life and actions can mature in the right direction and get fulfilled meaningfully. Matured and meaningfully fulfilled life can outgrow giving rise to healthy detachment.