life is suffering

Life is Suffering due to Ignorance and Attachment

Way we live, act, and effect the world through our attitudes and responses determines whether we will be happy or suffer in life.

Ignorance is the root cause of suffering because due to ignorance we do not know correctly in the right context as it is. Without knowing correctly in the right context as it is we do not live and act harmoniously with the reality.

Ignorance is due to hypnosis and hypnosis can be due to different reasons including but not limited to unhealthy conception, unhealthy birthing, unhealthy upbringing, unhealthy environment and immaturity.

Due to self-ignorance and ignorance of life, you may desire, detest or get attached. Your desires, aversions and attachments due to ignorance can determine your attitudes and responses shaping how you live, act and effect in the world.

There is neither past birth nor supreme creator and controller to affect our life. We shape our life by our choices and by effecting our internal and external ecosystem.

Ignorance as The Root Cause of Suffering

Cause has to be real. Imaginary causes of suffering like fate, supreme creator and controller, planets in heaven, previous birth, past birth karma etc.… are not real.

Desires, aversions and attachments due to ignorance as the causes of suffering, are real and within the reach of individual to address.

Every individual has ability to become free from ignorance, desires, attachments and aversions in order to mitigate suffering, attain natural peace, happiness and fulfillment.

Ignorance can be in various forms like self-ignorance, ignorance about nature of experiences, ignorance about the world etc.

Self-ignorance can be due to the Self based on self-conception, self-ideation, inner-self, self-image etc. through association with ideas like name, gender, relation, class, caste religion, nationality, eternal self, etc.

Ignorance about life can be in form of hypnosis and illusions due to which you may get drawn and lost into pomp and drama of experiences without knowing correctly in the right context as it is.

Due to ignorance about the impermanent and changing nature of life and the world, you may get attached and suffer due to desires and aversions. Due to ignorance, you may live and act against the supreme law of change and impermanence.

Vicious Cycle of Suffering Through Desires, Attachments and Aversions.

Dependence on fulfillment of unnecessary desires, attachments and aversions for happiness is just like any other addiction. Process of fulfillment of desires, attachment and aversions in order to feel happy can get wired in the process of life.

Unnecessary desires, attachments and aversions, as long as you have them in any form, can create physiological repression and psychological burden, thus clenching the autonomous involuntary springs of your natural fulfillment.

If desires, attachments and aversions are fulfilled, you can feel the momentary pleasure but become more dependent on their fulfillment in order to feel happy.

Society exploits you by taking advantage of your unnecessary desires, attachments and aversions. Due to desires, attachments and aversions, you become victim of your own intelligence and fears like spider entangled in its own web.

If a desires, attachments and aversions are not fulfilled, you can develop negative emotions and energy blocks. Fulfillment of desires, attachment and aversions can create new problems and suffering through the chain reaction of cause and effect.

If you feel guilty for indulging and satisfying your desires, attachments and aversions, it can trigger more stress and make you more vulnerable to craving. Due to ignorance, you can get trapped into the vicious cycle of indulgence, avoidance, suffering and stress.

Unnecessary desires, unnecessary attachments and unnecessary aversions are futile because impermanence is the universally constant law that all has to follow. Nonattachment is key to happiness in the impermanence of life and changing world.

It is not worth spending one and only impermanent life suffering ignorantly due to unnecessary desires, unnecessary attachments and unnecessary aversions.

How to Dispel Ignorance and Shun Attachments

Self-Ignorance can be dispelled through practice of right meditation, cultivation of seamless clarity of detached self-awareness without the Self, recognizing the truth of your nature and living according to the truth of your nature i.e. without the Self or inner self.

You can protect and shield yourself from effect of ignorance by shunning negativities associated with the Self or inner self, for example subliminal stress of being inner self, association with the Self through ideas like name, gender, relations, class, caste, religion, nationality, community, eternal self, etc..

Dissociated from the Self without inner self, you are formless, non-grasping and detached like water, harmonious and well-adjusted with the reality.

Detached and self-aware without the Self, you do not grasp or get attached and you can stay aligned with greater scheme of life synchronous with the supreme law of impermanence.

Ignorance about the life and the world can be cured through practicing seamless clarity of detached awareness due to which you know correctly in the right context as it is. When you know correctly, you are free from the crutches of beliefs and misleading ideas. Without ignorance, you can relieve yourself from the entanglements of unnecessary desires, aversions and attachments.

You can shun attachments by living and acting in such a way that you enjoy life sustainably without getting attached. You can live and enjoy life sustainably without possessing or getting attached by not investing yourself too much in the life and the world.

Acknowledging and accepting change and impermanence, you will remain detached and not grasp at anything. You will remain unburdened and without regrets by letting go what is not worth grasping.

Dispelling ignorance will help you to live life free from unnecessary desires, aversion and attachments. Without ignorance, unnecessary desires, aversion and attachments you will be naturally happy, fulfilled and at peace.