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early Buddhism

Origins of Buddhism: Sublime Ethical Atheism in a Nutshell

Buddhism is an atheist’s way of a sublime life based on knowing correctly in the right context rather than believing. Buddha also means “bodh” in Pali language or awareness or knowing or intellect in English. The sublime ethical way of life is called “dhamma” in Pali language which can be translated to sublime nature or sublime duty.

Origins of Buddhism

Buddhist ideas were documented during first and second Buddhist councils by monks who personally knew their teacher, the renunciate prince Gotama Buddha.

Later due to loss of patronage and status in the society through decline of Mauryan Dynasty, Buddhism was appropriated and modified due to infiltration of theistic ideas like deities, past birth and next birth through intact transmigration of mind after death, decay and disintegration of body.

Nascent Buddhist Philosophy

Just like atheists, the early Buddhists emphasize on knowing correctly in the right context through all means of knowing including but not limited to the six sense organs and awareness.

Early Buddhists were naturalists and extrapolated the cyclic nature of life to the beginningless universe which constantly change and transforms through disintegration, dispersion, endless recycling and recreation.

Unlike theists, the early Buddhists did not worry about verifying or validating imaginary ideas that cannot be proven, demonstrated, applied or known personally. Hence early Buddhists do not worry about supreme creator, supreme controller, past birth, next birth and eternal immortal inner self independent of cause and conditions.

When asked about god, Buddha is known to have remained silent and when asked about after life, Buddha said that there is no permanent self.

Buddhism has the idea that “tanha” or stress giving rise to self is source of conflict in Buddhism. According to Buddhism, the self gives rise to rigidity, unskillfulness and conflict through self-conception, self-ideation, self-identity, self-image, inner self etc. Hence buddha encouraged living stress-free natural life.

Early Atheist Buddhists

On the other hand, the core Buddhist ideas like

Pragya or ability to know correctly in the right context,

anatta meaning no inner self,

anitya meaning impermanence, and

samutpada meaning collective conditional arising due to cause and conditions,

all indicate towards absence of monotheism or polytheism and after life, thus clearly indicating their atheist disposition.

Buddhism’s core emphasis on no eternal immortal inner self renders the idea of supreme creator or controller irrelevant.

Based on the philosophy of impermanence, phenomenon of creation due to eternal cycle of cause and conditions, no inner self and emptiness of awareness, Buddhists carved a map of life for their monks and their lay followers.

Without eternal immortal inner self, Buddhism proposed that individual is a phenomenon of knowing arising due to constituent cause and conditions, individual becomes their tangible and intangible actions and individual continues in the effect of their intentional actions.

Early Buddhism, without any beliefs in eternal inner self, was practice of living ethical life and becoming sublime by renouncing negativity.

Map of Buddhist Life

The way of life, according to Buddhists, lay emphasis on ethical life, restrained actions, getting rid of negativity, self-improvement and leaving good effect on the world.

This is done through the 4 truths that points to suffering of life, the 5 principles to follow for a happy long haul of life and the 8 rules for skillful living.

According to Buddhists, we humans are perfect without our negativity, human life is happiness without suffering and unnecessary desires or craving is the root cause of suffering.

Ethical Atheist Sublime Buddha

Buddha urged his followers to be their own guide, carve their own path, follow the middle way and avoid extremes in order to live ethically and act skillfully.

Buddha encouraged practicing constant awareness of breath at entrance of nostrils through practice of “Vipassana” or “Anapanasati” meditation through which the awareness becomes seamlessly clear without activities in mind and inner self.

Seamlessly clear awareness gets detached thus revealing the deep natural pleasure of meditation. A detached awareness cures hypnosis and dispel the charms of society and the world. Detached awareness renders the meditator independent of external sources for happiness.

Buddhis said that life is the ultimate value and non-violence is ultimate human duty or sublime nature.

However, Buddhism does not impose dietary rules of vegetarianism as evident through the Buddhist monks eating any food offered by any person regardless of their status in society.

Enlightenment In Buddhism

Buddhist spiritual enlightenment is characterized by a feeling of deep relief and peace.

The relief felt is due to freedom from “maya” meaning hypnotic attachment to the world and the feeling of peace is due to freedom from cravings or unnecessary desires. There is nothing supernatural about enlightenment in Buddhism.

However, the sublime peace of enlightenment is compared to relief from grave illness, big debt, coming home safely without getting robbed from dangerous route etc.. Buddha remembered and compared the peace of enlightenment to the deep peace had felt during his carefree moments of happy childhood.

Death in Buddhism

Buddhism regards death as the end of life but continuity as effect of intentional actions through the death, disintegration, disintegration and recycling of life.

Lay person, according to Buddhism, who has continued in the effect of their actions through possessions and relationships, does not ceased completely after death. On the other hand, a monk who has not left any effect of their intentional actions will reach “nirvana” or enlightenment after getting purified through spiritual efforts and ceases completely after their death thus leaving behind nothing and thus reaching the state of “mahaparinirvana” or meta-enlightenment from the point of view of living beings.

Hence life experience is a rare phenomenon according to Buddhism but not necessarily valuable due to the suffering inherent in it.

Buddhism Today

Today Buddhism has spread and flourished, however, the ideas of eternal self and cycle of birth and death still exist in later Buddhism due to misunderstanding created by buddha referring to contemporary ideas of birth and formation of living being due to infiltration of womb by soul.

Being Real Through Natural Awareness Without Self

Life is natural. To be real human is to be naturally aware without self because awareness is natural, and self is artificial.

You are natural awareness, the phenomenon of knowing, and not the self that arises due to association with known or unknown. The moment you associate with known or unknown, you are no longer naturally aware, and you become unreal.

You are aware due to processes of life and not because of your association with body, mind, emotions, memories, religion, gender, class, caste, race or nationality. Associations are unnatural and artificial due to self-ignorance.

Self is Artificial and Unreal

Feeling of being inner self is subliminal stress due to association with the known or unknown experiences and self is artificial due to association with the known or unknown ideas through beliefs.

Self arises due to psychological self-conception, self-ideation, self-identification, self-image etc. Self is due to association with identities like name, relationships, religion, class, caste, gender, race, nationality, eternal soul, supreme creator etc. Self is a role to be played as part of society.

Feeling of being inner self is due to association with the experiences of vital force, body, sensations, mind, memories, feelings etc. Inner self is subliminal stress to be invoked for survival. Neither self nor inner self are the truth of your nature.

Infant Has No Self

An infant has no psychological association or mind and hence neither has self nor inner self at the beginning of its life. Infant is sensitive without self and hence is not the knower but starts becoming the knower incorrectly with the development of self on basis of ideas imposed on it by society.

Infants develop self by associating with known or known after a certain age as a process of adapting to the demands of society. This association becomes habit, and the infant is hypnotized for life by Self, thus chronically suffering with the subliminal stress in form of inner self. Self is artificial and personal just like a signature.

Awareness is Natural and Real You

Natural truth is that you are awareness, the phenomenon of knowing arising due to your constituent cause and conditions, you become your actions and continue in the effect of your actions.

When you are fully aware there is neither self nor any feeling of being inner self. Awareness is ephemeral arising due to ephemeral cause and conditions of life processes.

Awareness is natural phenomenon of knowing arising due to processes of life just like brightness is phenomenon of illumination due to dispersion of light. Like all phenomenon, you are the ephemeral awareness, empty phenomenon of knowing resulting from cause and conditions. Awareness is a universal and natural just like respiration.

Being Authentic and Aware Without Self or Inner Self

Clear and seamlessly aware, you know clearly in the right context without any activities in the mind. Without activities in the mind, you know as it is in the present without irrelevant biases from your past. Clear and seamlessly aware you are real in the present moment, knowing correctly in the right context.

As a seamlessly clear awareness you know without any reaction or activities in the mind and without inner self, inner knower, inner thinker, inner feeler etc. As seamlessly clear awareness, you by default become your actions without inner doer. There is no duality in you.

As seamlessly clear awareness, you know experiences as they are and your response to the known and unknown is elicited spontaneously according to reality of cause and conditions and not according to self. For example, when you know you are thirsty you drink water as human and not as high caste person choosy about who offers you the water. When someone hits at you, you run away or defend yourself as human and not suffer in silence because you are a servant or woman.

As self, your values and principles are artificially distorted rather than naturally prioritized. As a religious person, you may believe in after life and not focus on living your life to your best. As a religious person, you may believe in divine bliss of heaven and eternal immortal soul but go on struggling to live day-to-day life lustily. As a religious self, you may not live authentic life true to your self.

You are real when you are seamlessly clear awareness without self or feeling of being inner self. Clear and seamlessly aware without self or inner self you live and act authentically.

Being Real Without Self-Ignorance

As self, due to association with identities imposed on you by society, you lack awareness about your real strengths, weakness and why you are the way you are. Naturally aware without self, you know your strengths, weaknesses, values, priorities so that you can fulfill your natural objectives and goals in order to live the long haul of your life meaningfully.

When you do not know yourself correctly in the right context, you are self-ignorant. Self-ignorantly, you may remain immature and may not live and act authentically.

As self, you are rigid in the way you live and act. Self can conflict you with the reality just like trying to live and act according to a mask can conflict you with the reality. Self is state of association and identification with what is dispensable and does not constitute you.

You may conceive a self and impose it on the feeling of being inner self.

Being Real Through Reflecting Awareness as Self Awareness

To be real and authentic and real, you need self-awareness. Self-awareness is a reflecting evolved phenomenon of knowing without inner knower due to your maturity through right cause and conditions of your growth and development.

When you are seamlessly clear awareness, knowing without associating with known or unknown, you get psychologically detached from the known and unknown.

Aware and detached, your knowing reflects and returns back. Detached awareness is awareness of being aware without inner self. Aware and detached, you become aware of being aware. Detached awareness is self-awareness without self or inner self.

With eyes closed, when you are aware in between the eyes without any thoughts in mind and without looking at the darkness in front of eyes, you become aware and detached neither looking nor becoming inner looker.

Detached awareness is result of deeper stress relief due to resolution of inner self and freedom from self. It is like hibernation or deep conscious sleep without activities in mind and without inner self or inner doer. You can only rest and disappear psychologically in the state of detached awareness.

Detached Awareness is your natural richness with deep relaxation and stress relief. It is deeper state of natural fulfilment and peace in which you feel secure in your deeper source.

Dispensable Self and Indispensable Awareness

In meditation, due to dissociation from known and unknown through stress relief, you are fully aware and there is neither self nor inner self.

You can live, act and flourish with awareness without self or feeling of being inner self. You can live, act and flourish without being a national, gender, class, caste, race, religion, self-ideation, self-conception, self-identification etc. Hence there is no self, other than your self-ignorance.

Inner-self is stress and self is ignorance due to which you live and act in a rigid and contrived manner conflicting with the cause and conditions.

You cannot remain wakeful, conscious and aware without breathing or without processes of life. You cannot continue to live, act or flourish for long without cause and conditions of awareness or without knowing correctly in the right context. Hence you are awareness, the phenomenon of knowing arising due to your indispensable constituent cause and conditions.

As awareness you know correctly in the right context without interference of mind and self. As detached awareness, you are dissociated and detached from the known and unknown.

Authentic Life and Skillful Actions Through Being Real

You can either live and act through clear seamless awareness harmoniously with reality of cause and conditions without giving rise to inner self OR you can live and act according to self regardless of reality of cause and conditions. You can relax as detached awareness or you can ruminate mentally as inner self, inner thinker, inner doer, inner feeler etc.

Clearly and seamlessly aware without self, you are fluid, flexible, resourceful and at advantage through knowing correctly in the right context. As self, you are rigid, contriving, less resourceful and feel insecure due to association with known and unknown. As self, you react according to self, whereas, as clear seamless awareness, your response is elicited according to the reality of cause and conditions.

Being real as natural awareness without self, you know yourself well and you live with the great natural flow of life, you act promptly without striving in the right cause and conditions. You leave the right effect and impact of your actions.

Either aware or as self, you are ephemeral because awareness is an empty phenomenon of knowing arising due to constituent cause and conditions whereas self is artificial conception, ideation or identification. There is no eternal immortal inner self independent of cause and conditions.

Since you are ephemeral, supreme creator is irrelevant because you will not be there for getting judged after your death, decay, disintegration and endless recycling of universe.

Since you are ephemeral, you should grow, mature, enjoy life sustainably and get detached. For this you need seamless clarity of detached awareness without self.


Nonattachment: Key to Happiness in Impermanence

Nonattachment is key to happiness in the constantly changing world and impermanent life. The way you live and act in the world can give rise to attachment and suffering. Hence, you should acknowledge impermanence and live in such a way that you do not get attached. Nonattachment is to be like water, not grasping the known or the unknown but letting go and move on in order to be harmonious with the changing cause and conditions.

Impermanence Reigns Supreme

Everything known, unknown or beyond are impermanent phenomena arising due to constituent cause and conditions, which ultimately change, die, disintegrate, disperse and gets endlessly recycled.

Since you are also an impermanent phenomenon, the idea of “God” or “The supreme power that create, control or judge” is also irrelevant. Even “supreme power” is one of the impermanent factors among the cause and conditions in the story of creation. Impermanence reigns supreme.

Since you are impermanent and everything known and unknown is impermanent on account of it’s changing constituent cause and conditions, there is no point in getting attached to anything. Non-attachment is harmonious with the supreme law of impermanence, whereas attachment is against the supreme law of impermanence. Hence attachment brings suffering whereas non-attachment avoids suffering.

Attachment is Due to Association

Attachment arises due to association. You associate with known and unknown by identifying yourself with the known or unknown or conflicting with the known or unknown.

You may have physical association, for example association with one’s clothes. You may have psychological association, for example association with one’s name. Due to association with clothes, you may feel physically uncomfortable in a dress that is not suitable, or you may feel elated in good clothes. Due to psychological association with your name, you may like or dislike your name.

Attachment arises due to association through which you identify with the known and unknown. You may get attached through association with known or unknown due to ignorance and lack of detached seamlessly clear awareness, the phenomenon of knowing correctly in the right context.

Lack of awareness can be due to different reasons for example, immaturity, hypnosis, chronic stress etc. Factors like immaturity, hypnosis, stress etc. can be due to different cause and conditions. Attachment through association with known and unknown gives rise to self and self-delineation and self-ignorance.

Self-ignorance arises through self-delineation by associating with self-ideation, self-image, self-conception, self-identification or feeling of being inner self independent of constituent cause and conditions. Inner self is due to stress and self-delineation is self-ignorance making you rigid and in conflict with life and the world.

During meditation you relax and dissociate step by step away from the known and unknown to become fully aware and detached without mind and without inner self. Fully aware and detached without inner self, you find the pleasure of nonattachment.

Happiness In Nonattachment

Since you and everything known, unknown or beyond is impermanent, there should be no fear of loss or jealousy of success. Everything good and bad that everyone has will be eventually lost. Life is impermanent and so it is to be enjoyed sustainably without regrets; however, nothing is worth regretting in the one and only ephemeral life.

Living without attachment, you will neither be saddened by loss nor fear loss. Without attachment, you will accept change and move on with the great natural flow of life.

Without attachment there is no association with known or unknown, without association there is no self. Without self, you will enjoy what you have without unnecessary personal desires.

Nonattachment Through Meditation

Meditation diverts, focuses and detached your attention. Through focused but detached attention, you dissociate from known and unknown.

Meditation relieves stress of association with known or unknown and brings clarity of awareness, the phenomenon of knowing correctly in the right context. Due to stress relief, inner-self dissolves and you disappear psychologically.

Without inner self, you do not associate with known or unknown and you remain as detached awareness. Through meditation you become aware and detached without inner self. Through detached seamlessly clear awareness without inner self, you know correctly in the right context without getting attached or controlled by known and unknown.

To know more about benefits of meditation click here.

Concise Philosophy of Ideas and It’s Manifestation

Ideas represent possibilities in reality or imaginations. Ideas are imaginations or psychological point of views that can be real or unreal. Ideas are not tricks or hacks, but tricks and hacks can arise from the idea of making life easy or difficult. Ideas are imagination in some context.

Creativity and resourcefulness can give person the ability to see the contexts and come up with ideas. Due to their creative imagination, humans are capable of complex thinking and creating ideas. Ideas that you behold knowingly or unknowingly affect your attitude, your actions and the effect of your actions.

Ideas constitute philosophy. For example, philosophy of stoicism is based on ideas of minimalism, courage, justice, virtue. Philosophy of Taoism is based on naturalism, balance & equilibrium, being like water. Philosophy of Islam is based on idea of surrender to the security of supreme peace. Philosophy of Buddhism is based on ideas of impermanence, no-self, emptiness, conditional arising, collective karma, end of suffering etc.

Ideas can be universal or narrow, good or bad, right or wrong, true or false, real or unreal, advantageous or disadvantageous etc. Some ideas can be materialized to represent reality, for example scientific ideas. Some ideas are false and do not represent reality, for example idea of eternal immortal inner self independent of it’s constituent cause and conditions or idea of supreme power that has will and wish to create, control or bestow.

True ideas can be materialized, verified, validated, proven, demonstrated, applied or at least known personally. Some ideas can be invented and turned into reality in form of technology, for example, ideas of currency representing valuables or idea of artificial wings in order to fly. Ideas can get misused due to wrong motives and methods behind their execution.

Under the umbrella of ideas, thoughts and philosophies manifest principles, policies, institutions, laws, rules, regulations, strategies, forms, practices, culture, customs, etc. For example, idea of right to privacy implemented through policies like HIPAA and upheld through laws and judiciary. This gives rise to a culture based on respecting others privacy. Thoughts and Ideas lie at the root of the human world.

Narrow rigid ideas bring mental slavery. Universal ideas broaden mind whereas freedom from all kinds of ideas bring psychological maturity.

Ideally, ideas should be universally true or real, manifestable, applicable, demonstrable, beneficial, evident or at least a personal experience, knowledge and understanding. Belief and faith in ideas is dumb. Ideas should be livable rather than believable.

Beliefs in wrong ideas can manifest knowingly or unknowingly in form or wrong attitudes, actions, forms, practices, cultures, customs etc. Early life beliefs can have hypnotic effect on individuals making them psychologically immature and credulous.

It is also necessary to understand which ideas are important for reaching objectives, meeting goals and nurturing values. Objectives are motives, intensions or reasons behind goals. Ideally, objective should be ethical or noble. Goals, representing needs and desires, should be SMART, i.e. specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time bound. Value system represents what is of value or importance and in what order.

When you know what to value, you will know which ideas and it’s manifestations are important and in which order of priority. For example, for some the idea of life is more valuable than the idea of freedom and justice; but for some, the idea of freedom and justice are more valuable than the idea of life. Hence some societies will invest more in life science and healthcare while some will invest more in law, order and judiciary.

To know and understand manifestation of ideas correctly in the right context, it is necessary to have a detached seamless clarity of awareness, the phenomenon of knowing correctly in the right context without getting associated with known or unknown. Without self-ideation or self-identification, you are fully aware without inner self and your thinking is universal. Thinking through a universal point of view, your ideas can be wise and harmoniously synchronous with the greater context of life, nature and society.

Based on right thoughts, ideas and philosophies, the long haul of life and actions can mature in the right direction and get fulfilled meaningfully. Matured and meaningfully fulfilled life can outgrow giving rise to healthy detachment.

bird flying in blue sky

True Meaning of Freedom: Not Without Independence

Independence is the foundation of freedom. Greater the independence, greater the right to freedom and liberty. Freedom is natural in the wilderness whereas, freedom in the society is artificial, called liberty.

Meaning of Freedom

Freedom is a phenomenon of independence resulting from the cause and conditions including right to own will or conscience, right to own option and equal rights. If there is no equal right to own will, and no equal right to choose own option then there is no equal freedom.

Freedom is not wishfulness or the right to fulfill wishes. Freedom is a state arising like a phenomenon from conditions of right to own will, right to own options and right to equality in an universal context. In an universal context, freedom is harmonious with other life forms.

However, freedom in context of society, if not equal, and can go against the freedom of others. For example, religious freedom of one group can go against cultural freedom of another group.

As free individual, you belong to yourself, depend on yourself and are responsible for yourself. As a free individual, you are a wild human.

Understanding Freedom Through Slavery

Freedom can be understood from the institution of slavery. Freedom is the opposite of slavery. Slavery is enforced without the right to own options and without equal rights.

Slave is not free because they are in slavery against their will. Slaves own what is provided by the master and slaves do not have right to equal status. Slave are of the master, dependent on the master and for the master.

If you do not have will of your own, if you do not have right to own options, if you do not have equal rights, then you are not free. If you are dependent, if you are for something other than you, and if you belong to something or someone, you are not free.

Freedom Is A Natural Right

Freedom is natural. Freedom justifies itself. Freedom may have external objections, but it does not need external justification. Freedom is a natural human instinct and destiny. Infants wean, grow, mature, become independent and free. Freedom is a right and not a favor. Freedom is a necessary condition for life to flourish.

Freedom allows to make mistakes, learn from the mistakes, grow and mature. Without freedom, lifeforms remain immature because they cannot grow to their full potential. Individual as well as society without the right to equal freedom remains immature.

Liberty is Limited Freedom

Freedom is individual and liberty is institutional. Because society may not be able to accommodate the individual right to equal freedom, society may give and protect a restricted form of freedom called liberty. For example, kings and feudal lords allowed limited degree of freedom to their subjects through unequal rights.

Liberty is freedom in the context of society or within the framework of society and it’s institutions. Liberty is artificial. Autonomy is institutional. For example, educational institutions have autonomy due to which they independently operate within the premise of state laws. Freedom, liberty, or autonomy cannot exist without independence.

Right Knowledge Brings Independence and Freedom

Right knowledge brings independence and freedom as evident through the evolution of science and technology. Due to knowledge based on truth, nature and reason, humans evolved in their ability to imagine and think as evident through the European renaissance and made use of those thinking to develop practical ideas, science and technology. True knowledge, science and technology has contributed to increase in human independence and freedom. Due to knowledge, science and technology, individuals lives are less under the control of institutions and society.

Independence Through Basic Natural Rights

If you are independent, then you have the right to freedom. Unfortunately, crooks use institutions of society to control natural richness of your environment and corrupt the processes of your life in order to make you weak and dependent on society for resources and natural fulfillment.

Women lose freedom due to their weakness and inability to assert themselves in a society where they are dependent on men. Human strength, independence and freedom is hampered with the destruction of nature and corruption of life-processes.

In order to keep the flame of independence burning and the light of freedom shining, it is necessary for humans in society to have the universal right to life, basic healthcare, basic education, and basic natural wealth and basic income so that the crooks of society cannot misuse institutions to play humanity against each other for their crooked desires and ambitions.


Ephemeral Life Without Inner Self

You are an ephemeral phenomenon of life arising due to dynamic interaction of your indispensable constituent cause and conditions. You do not exist without or independent of your indispensable constituent cause and conditions.

As you know for example, you exist as effect of the actions of your ancestors and you are due to conditions of your life-processes, your actions and effect of those actions. Though your are an ephemeral phenomenon of life, you continue in the effects of your intentional actions, for example, your children and your contribution to society and environment.

You are awareness, the phenomenon of knowing, arising due to dynamic interaction of your indispensable constituent cause and conditions. You are a phenomenon, just like rainbow, horizon or brightness only appear to exist but does not really exist independent of constituent cause and conditions.

You are not the inner knower independent of your constituent cause and conditions. You are neither eternal nor immortal in any way. Hence you must live this opportunity of life as best as you can and make the conditions of life as good as you can.

Since independent eternal immortal inner self or inner being is an hallucination, you do not exist without your indispensable constituent cause and conditions including parents, body, process of life, actions and effects of actions just like brightness cannot exist without lamp, fuel, wick, light and dispersion of light.

All forms and phenomenon are due to harmoniously coming together of its indispensable constituent cause and conditions. Everything beyond constituent cause and conditions, for example patterns and phenomenon, arises due to dynamic interaction of constituent conditions, disintegrate with the disintegration of constituent conditions and gets recycled.

There is no eternal or immortal inner self or soul inside you or any life form. Experiences beyond life, for example past life memory or out-of-body experiences, are due to psychological and physiological conditions shaped by early life or past impressions formed and forgotten unknowingly.

There is neither past birth nor next birth because there is nothing eternal or immortal about life that is independent of its constituent cause and conditions.

Change and impermanence is a universal constant that disintegrates, disperses and recycles everything without exception.

Since, you continue in the effect of your intentional actions, you should act ethically and leave a benevolent effect of your action. The effect of your actions will find it’s place just like water, air, earth, heat finds it’s space in the cycle of nature and life.

Sublime Self-Awareness Is Detached Awareness Without Self

Awareness is natural phenomenon of knowing correctly in the right context. Awareness is a phenomenon due to cause and conditions just like brightness is a phenomenon arising due to causes and conditions dispersing the light. Awareness is knowing just like brightness is illumination.

You are awareness, the phenomenon of knowing, arising due to your indispensable constituent cause and conditions. Like all phenomenon, you are empty, ephemeral without independent self and you exist on account of your cause and condition.

As you grow and mature, you become fully aware. Fully aware, you can remain aware and detached, knowing correctly in the right context without getting swayed by the effect of known and unknown.

Self-Awareness is Due to Reflecting Detached Awareness

Fully aware and detached, you can reflect and become self-aware. Self-awareness is a sublime result of reflecting detached awareness due to your psychological maturity and suppleness.

Self-awareness is an evolved phenomenon of knowing yourself correctly in the right context. Self-aware, you know yourself correctly in the right context without hallucination of being inner self or hypnosis by self. Self-awareness is right self-knowledge in the right context.

Self-aware, you are detached from the known and unknown. Detached from the known and unknown, you are pure awareness without self that arises due to association with known and unknown.

Pure Knowing Through Clear Seamless Detached Awareness

Clear seamless awareness is phenomenon of knowing the reality correctly in the right context without getting affected by the known or unknown.

Clear seamless awareness is knowing without psychological reaction to the known or unknown. Through clear seamless awareness, the knowing and response is pure harmonious with the reality of cause and conditions without any psychological reaction.

Clear seamless awareness is pure knowing without activities in the mind or without giving rise to inner knower or inner self. Through clear seamless awareness, you know with equanimity and respond impersonally. Knowing through clear seamless awareness is neither arbitrary nor selective.

Through clear seamless awareness, you neither associate nor identify with the known or unknown. Without your association or identification with known or unknown, you are neither the self nor the inner self when you are fully aware.

Inner self and self both are due to association or identification with known and unknown whereas seamlessly clear awareness is due to lack of association or identification with the known and unknown.

Awareness is Due to Your Psychological Growth and Maturity

Awareness is your psychological independence and freedom due to your psychological maturity and suppleness.

If your constituent cause and conditions are healthy, you are a fully matured phenomenon of awareness, knowing your experiences correctly in the right context and without ignorance, hallucinations or hypnosis.

Harmonious integrity of your constituent cause and conditions can be due to different factors including right birthing, right upbringing, right living, right actions, deep stress relief, freedom from desires, aversions, and attachments, etc.

As you grow psychologically mature and become aware, you get detached from the known and unknown. Detached from the known and unknown, you know without getting controlled by the effect of known or unknown.

Venerated State of Detached Self-Awareness Without Self

Awareness is Enlightening

Ability to remain aware and detached without getting psychologically glued to known or unknown is the highly venerated phenomenon of knowing because of it’s enlightening effect on experiences, life, actions and effects of those actions.

Detached Self-Awareness Dispels Self-Ignorance

Fully aware and detached, you know yourself correctly in the right context and realize that there is neither inner self nor self that is independent of constituent cause and conditions like processes of life, gender, relations, race, class, caste, religion, nationality etc.

Remaining seamlessly aware and detached, knowing correctly in the right context, can relieve subliminal stress, dispel the hallucination of being inner self, dispel hypnosis due to self and cure self-ignorance just like darkness is dispelled by brightness.

Detached Self-Awareness is Awareness of Being Aware Without Self

Fully aware and detached without inner-self, you are free from self-ignorance. Aware and detached without self-ignorance, you can be seamlessly aware of being aware in the present moment to be self-aware.

Detached Awareness is Non-Attachment

Knowing correctly in the right context as detached awareness without inner-self, you can be free from desires, aversions and attachments. Non-attachment is harmonious with the supreme law of change and impermanence.

Detached Awareness Without Self is Natural State of Peace and Relief

Without desires, aversions and attachments, you are unaffected by insecurity, uncertainty or lack of control. You feel naturally relieved, secure and at peace when fully aware without self and all the negativities of self that gives rise to rigidity and conflict.

Detached awareness is a natural state of peace, relief and equanimity unaffected by known or unknown. It is naturally rich state of individual irrespective of and their external attitudes or actions and independent of their external circumstances.

Detached Awareness is Your Psychological Maturity and Suppleness

Awareness is your psychological independence and freedom due to your psychological maturity and suppleness.

If your constituent cause and conditions are healthy, you are a fully matured phenomenon of awareness, knowing your experiences correctly in the right context and without ignorance, hallucinations or hypnosis in form of self.

Harmonious integrity of your constituent cause and conditions can be due to different factors including right birthing, right upbringing, right living, right actions, deep stress relief, freedom from desires, aversions, and attachments, etc.

As you grow psychologically mature and become aware, you get detached from the known and unknown. Detached from the known and unknown, you know without getting controlled by the effect of known or unknown.

Source of Compassion and Empathy

Greater natural complexity and evolution of life-form manifest as greater sensitivity, empathy and compassion. Matured and without self-ignorance, as detached awareness, you are sensitive, empathetic and compassionate towards yourself and other life forms.

Detached Awareness is Involuntary Self-Regulation

Aware and detached, you are naturally or instinctively balanced and involuntarily self-regulated without trying. This way you are naturally or instinctually righteous.

Detached Awareness is Knowing Impartially and Impersonally

As detached clear seamless awareness, you know correctly in the right context without getting overwhelmed by the known or unknown. It indicates your psychological freedom and maturity up to higher degree of complexity and evolution.

Fully aware without inner self or self, you are equanimous knowing impartially and impersonally. Your knowledge is neither arbitrary nor selective.

Detached Awareness Feels Like Deathlessness

Detached seamlessly clear awareness is state of natural peace and natural fulfillment resulting from your psychological maturity. Seamlessly clear detached awareness is unrestricted awareness and may feel like deathlessness due to harmony in the conditions of life-processes.

Without self or feeling of being inner self, seamless clarity of detached awareness feels like deathlessness.

Connect To Natural Innocence

Aware and detached, you can get rid of inner-self and all notions of self to become whole by restoring and connecting to your natural innocence, as if never corrupted throughout your growth and maturity.

Detached Awareness is North Star of Life

As detached clear seamless awareness, you are your own refuge and north star in the wilderness of life without need for crutches of self and duality of inner self.

Method of Becoming Self Aware Between Thoughts

Sit comfortably in right posture with straight lower back.

Withdraw and detached from known and unknown by focusing and remaining aware of each and every breath at entrance of nostril in such a way that you do not get any opportunity to think.

Remain aware of breath at entrance of nostrils until you remain clearly and seamlessly aware of gap between two consecutive thoughts.

As constant clear seamless awareness of gap between two consecutive thoughts, you can get completely detached from known and unknown experiences including but not limited to body, mind and the world around.

While remaining aware OF gap between two consecutive thoughts you disappear psychologically and mature into detached awareness IN between two consecutive thoughts.

Aware and detached in between two consecutive thoughts, you can remain aware or being aware and become self-aware.

Aware and detached, you live and act in the present moment consistent with reality of cause and conditions. Detached and seamlessly aware of being aware in between two consecutive thoughts, without getting associated with known or unknown, you are truly natural, and universal.

Life Through Detached Awareness Without Self-Ignorance

Hallucination of being inner self and hypnosis by self is due to stress of association with the known or unknown. Detached awareness is self-awareness without self, due to dissociation from the known and unknown. Without self, there is no self-ignorance.

You Live Like Water

Fully aware without inner self and self, you become like water, fluid, well-adjusted and at advantage, harmoniously adapting with your conditions, without rigidity or conflict that arises due to inner self and self.

Live With Beginner’s Mind Like an Original Explorer

Detached and aware without self, you approach life impersonally and spontaneously with beginner’s mind and spirit of an original explorer but with more awareness, sensitivity, empathy and compassion.

You Connect to Open Intelligence

Aware and detached without self, you are connected to the vast interconnected reality of life and you not only have your known individual intelligence but also the unknown intelligence from life and reality of cause and conditions.

Live Synchronously with Life Acting Skillfully Without Striving

Aware and detached without self, without getting attached, you can live spontaneously synchronous with the great natural flow of life without personal likes or dislikes arising due to self. Through such awareness, you skillfully chose right cause and conditions to act effortlessly without striving.

Live By Being Real

Aware, while being detached from experiences amidst experiences, you are the truth of your nature without trying and you become your actions involuntarily without trying just like you breathe air and digest food without trying.

You do not exist as anything other than the ephemeral phenomenon of knowing arising due to dynamic interaction of your indispensable constituent cause and conditions. You become your actions, and you continue in the effects of your actions.

Awareness for Naturally Spontaneous Authentic Life Without Self

Fully aware without self, if you live and act harmoniously with right cause and conditions, then the great span of your naturally spontaneous authentic life will reach it’s natural fulfillment and meaning. Fully aware, you can live a naturally spontaneous authentic life, free from self and without self-ignorance.

Without self, you are not restricted by self-conception, self-identity, self-identification. Without self you are like water, harmoniously adapting with the reality of cause and conditions.

The natural truth is that one day everyone will lose everything after they disintegrate and perish. Whether joy or suffering, success or failure, it will all end with the end of life. Life is the ultimate value.

When you know that the one-and-only life is ephemeral, you will value it over everything else and try to make most out of it in an authentically meaningful way. Authentic life can be hard or easy, but it is correctly experienced and correctly known in the right context without any self-ignorance. To live authentically is to live without self-ignorance.

Life lived through seamless clarity of awareness without self is experienced and known correctly in the right context thus leading to your natural self-regulation, self-development, maturity, outgrowth, detachment, peace and order. Seamless clarity of detached awareness dispels self-ignorance.

Stop Living Self-Ignorantly

Life is ephemeral. The accidental spark of life is a rare opportunity. Hence every moment of life has to be lived and enjoyed authentically without ignorance about yourself or life.

You are awareness, the natural phenomenon of knowing, arising due to your indispensable constituent cause and conditions. You become your actions. However, due to self-ignorance, you may hold on to wrong ideas about yourself and life.

For example, you may live according to your self-image as if you are inner being or inner self that is eternal or immortal. Eternal immortal inner self is imagination and self-image is artificial.

Due to self-ignorance, you may live according to self-conception, self-ideation, self-identity, inner-self etc. and waste your life in order to decorate or protect your Self through unnecessary desires and aversions.

Believing that you are eternally immortal, you may not value life, peace, security or order.

Identify Truth of Your Nature From Your Imagined Self

Know the truth of your nature. As evident through right meditation, you can survive without inner being or inner self, your self-image, your mind, your memories, identity, class, caste, race, religion, ideas, beliefs, unnecessary possessions, etc. Hence these are not your constituent conditions.

You cannot continue to survive without being aware, knowing what you experience. You also cannot continue to survive without the processes of life. You cannot continue to survive without taking necessary actions. You cannot continue to survive without necessary effects of your action and you cannot continue to survive without nature. You will Know that as part of nature, you are not limited to your skin.

You will know that you are awareness, the natural phenomenon of knowing, arising due to dynamic interaction of your indispensable constituent conditions including processes of life, you involuntarily become your actions and you continue in the effect of your actions.

By recognizing the truth of your nature, you are naturally aware without hypnosis or halucinations. By recognizing truth of your nature, you know why, when and what you need to value and in what priority of importance. Life lived rightly matures, outgrows, weans and gets detached to be at peace and order.

True Natural Self Care First.

First and foremost, take care of yourself including everything without which you cannot continue to survive, grow and flourish, i.e. nurture your health, wellness, natural environment, etc. To take care of yourself, first ensure your security, safety, peace and order in life.

Then, give importance to your sustainable development through right living and right actions and producing right effect of actions. This includes developing your mind, emotions, intelligence without which you may survive but not develop, mature and outgrow.

Growth and development of life to a high degree of harmonious integrity gives rise to a detached clear seamless awareness, involuntary self-regulation, natural fulfilment, maturity, detachment, independence and freedom.

Life evolved and detached, is liberated without any self-ignorance, and can be lived meaningfully through peace and order. Evolved and detached life is neither hypnotized nor overwhelmed by experiences.

Fully aware in between two consecutive thoughts, without being inner self and free from self-image, you live with the immense natural flow of life unaffected by personal likes and dislikes, actions are harmonious with the right conditions without striving and effect of actions are benevolent without interfering as if empathetic and compassionate.

Without self-ignorance, going with the immense natural flow of life, important events of your life are harmoniously aligned and achieved synchronously with the greater scheme of existence. Actions are drawn harmoniously from the conditions rather than personal whims.

The fulfillment and happiness felt through effortless detached clear seamless awareness arising from right conditions of life is due to restoration of rich natural innocence as if it was never lost throughout the course of your growth, maturity and development since the beginning of your infancy.

Life is an ephemeral natural flowering due to right cause and conditions. Spark of life is a rare accident and death is for sure. So, celebrate life neither getting attached nor getting serious about anything because eventually nothing will remain as it is.

Learning From Nature To Live Authentically

In nature all forms of life seek security of food and life. All forms of life want to relax, sleep, hibernate and be at peace. All forms of life seek pleasure and that is how they seek contact, reproduce, clean themself, and love the offsprings.

All forms of life which can move, seek freedom and avoid getting confined. All forms of life avoid death by staying away from predators. So also humans basically need and seek security, peace, pleasure, freedom, order and long life.

Mature humans without self-ignorance or ignorance about life and society, seek to become wise, and eventually get detached after fully experiencing the life. Security, peace, pleasure, long life, maturity, wisdom, freedom and detachment. This is what we seek through our objectives and goals in various forms.

Life in itself is a purpose, there is no need to go about seeking purpose in society. We, like silly with our body, processes of life and functions want to know who am I? and what is the purpose of life?

Spiritual Enlightenment is Dispelling Self-Ignorance and Being Natural.

Enlightenment is to recognize the truth and dispel ignorance. Enlightenment feels like great relief and peace due to dispelling of ignorance.

Spiritual enlightenment is peace and relief felt due to dispelling of self-ignorance. Spiritual enlightenment is to recognize the truth of your nature, otherwise concealed due to self-ignorance arising from self-conceptions, hallucinations and hypnosis as a result of wrong upbringings and wrong way of life. Spiritual enlightenment is not conditional. It is simple recognition of the truth.

You arise from nature. You are not an artificially defined abstract idea like “inner soul” or “inner being” created by a “supreme creator and controller”. This world and life is neither solely created by one supreme factor nor can be solely controlled by any one supreme factor.

You exist as phenomenon of knowing arising due to processes of life and you involuntarily become your actions. Idea of inner self or inner being independent of your indispensable constituent conditions is a hallucination due to self-ignorance.

You are the knower but not the inner knower independent of your constituent conditions. You are the phenomenon of knowing arising due to your indispensable constituent conditions. You are aggregate result of your indispensable constituent cause and conditions.

Feeling of being inner self is hallucination created due to activities in the mind and subliminal physiological stress. Hallucination of being inner self is strengthened by hypnosis due to artificial self-image based on artificial ideas and beliefs regarding oneself.

During deep meditation when your mind is calm, body is relaxed, and energies are balanced, then your psychological personality disappears, and you are fully aware of being aware without feeling of being inner self and without hypnosis by self-image.

Without the hallucination of being inner-self and hypnosis by self-image, you are natural and effortlessly aware of being aware in between two consecutive thoughts and you experience everything without getting drawn or lost into experiences.

As clear seamless awareness of being aware detached from experiences, you are the phenomenon of knowing without inner knower. Like all phenomenon, as awareness, you are empty void without your indispensable constituent conditions. This recognition of the truth of your nature is enlightenment resulting due to dispelling of self-ignorance.

Such natural state of awareness detached and reflecting from it’s constituent conditions, is a matured phenomenon of knowing correctly in the right context and can be recognized through intuitive insight as truth of your nature distinct from experiences. This recognition is enlightenment resulting due to dispelling of self-ignorance.

Life After Spiritual Enlightenment

Spiritual enlightenment is to be completely natural in the present moment as a result of recognizing the truth of your nature.

Spiritual enlightenment is a recognition of the truth of your nature as it was since the beginning of your life. It is to become whole by recovering and recognizing that natural state as if never corrupted throughout your rich natural growth, maturity and development.

Spiritual enlightenment dispels self-ignorance including the hallucination of being inner self and hypnosis by self-image. After spiritual enlightenment, due to absence of hypnotic self-ignorance, you disappear psychologically just like a dream disappears when you wake up fully.

Spiritual enlightenment is like waking out of a dream or realizing that you have been enacting the self-conception and self-image due to hypnosis in the play and drama of life.

After spiritual enlightenment you are fully naturally aware without getting drawn or lost into experiences, and you live in present with the great natural flow of life without getting influenced by personal likes(cravings) or dislikes(aversions) arising from self-image.

Full awareness is unrestricted and feels like infinite deathlessness, however the feeling is simply due to harmony in the conditions of life-processes. Feeling of deathlessness is just like no notion of self during early stages of infancy.

Free from artificial self-image, you are naturally aware and instinctively upright thus living through right thoughts, philosophies and ideas for the right reason, for right values and right principles to shape the long haul of life meaningfully.

Enlightened, you are naturally at peace and in order. It is result of freedom from ignorance and maturity.

True Self-Knowledge: Detached Self-Awareness Without Self?

circle of Zen EnzoDetached self-awareness dissociated from known and unknown is true self-knowledge without self. Detached self-awareness is reflecting awareness dissociated from the known and unknown, without self or feeling of being inner self.

Self-Awareness Without Self is Self-Knowledge

You are awareness, the ephemeral natural phenomenon of knowing, arising due to dynamic interaction of your indispensable constituent cause and conditions including but not limited to processes of life, actions and effects of your actions.

As conditions of life mature and improve, awareness reflects and seems detached from known and unknown thus making you self-aware. Self-awareness is phenomenon of reflecting awareness detached from the known and unknown because there is no self. Detached awareness which may also seem like awareness of being aware results into self-knowledge in form of self-awareness.

Through detached self-awareness due to true self knowledge, you can know correctly in the right context without getting influenced by the known or unknown.

Awareness is phenomenon of knowing correctly in the right context, whereas self is belief and feeling of being independent inner self is hallucinatory.

No Self

Like horizon, rainbow or brightness of light, all phenomena are impermanent and empty without constituent cause and conditions. This can be naturally known, verified, validated, proven, applied, demonstrated, and experienced by everyone.

The fact that you are awareness, the phenomenon of knowing due to your indispensable constituent cause and conditions, is as self-evident as the natural truth of pain, disease, old age and death. Whereas the idea of being independent inner eternal self that is judged by supreme creator & controller in the afterlife are poetic imaginations and big lies.

Life can neither be independent of it’s constituent conditions nor exist beyond disintegration of it’s constituent conditions. Life is ephemeral and empty. You cannot exist in any way without your indispensable constituent cause and conditions.

There is no eternal immortal independent inner self independent of it’s constituent cause and conditions. There is no real self based on self-conception, self-ideation or self-identification in form of name, relation, race, class, caste, religion, gender, nationality etc.. Due to self and belief in eternal inner-self, you may live and act self-ignorantly.

As self, you may live rigidly according to self-conception, self-identification or self-ideation disharmoniously and at odds with the reality of cause and conditions. As eternal inner self, you may not value life and waste this life in anticipation of after life.

Self and feeling of being inner self is due to association with known and unknown, whereas detached self-awareness is due to harmoniously integrated processes of life, knowing correctly in the right context, without feeling of being inner-self due to dissociation from known and unknown

Cause of Self-Ignorance is Hypnosis

Ignorance is not knowing correctly in the right context. Self-ignorance is due to self. Self is subliminal stress due to hypnosis through association with the unknown and unknown due to various reasons like survival, adaptation etc.. Maya is ancient Pali word also used for hypnosis.

You Get Hypnotized Due to Association

Hypnosis and de-hypnosis is natural part of growth and maturity just like bonding and weaning. Hypnosis is captivation of attention voluntarily and involuntarily or knowingly and unknowingly due to association with the known or unknown.

You get hypnotized due to association with known and unknown due to some reason, for example, needs, adaptation, desires, fears, aversions, attachments etc.. For example, you get hypnotized by your carers during infancy or you may get hypnotized by some ideology due to association with that ideology out of some kind of self-interest.

You may associate with known and unknown, get hypnotized and may not know correctly in the right context. You may forget that you have been hypnotized, especially if you get hypnotized prematurely at an early age. Due to hypnosis, you may experience and hallucinate what is not there. For example, you may get hypnotized by the pomp and drama of society and give undue importance to it.

Hypnosis can make you ignorant and influence how you live, act and effect.

Self-Ignorance Due to Hypnosis

Due to hypnosis, you lose self-awareness and get hypnotized due to association with self and become self-ignorant.

Hypnotized by pomp and drama of society, you may hallucinate unreal ideas and believe them to be true. For example, you may get hypnotized by ideas and believe yourself to be of some religion, class, caste, race, gender, nationality etc., giving rise to self and self-ignorance. Due to such hypnosis and self-ignorance, you may deviate from your natural human nature to live and act according to artificially conceived self.

Hypnotized by self, you suffer from stress in form of inner-self. Due to hypnosis and self-ignorance, you may believe and hallucinate that you are eternal immortal inner self with past birth, next birth or after life independent of cause and conditions.

You may forget your infancy before formation of mind and self. Forgetfulness increases due to immaturity and stress. Due to forgetfulness, you may not remember that you got hypnotized in the process of adapting with society.

Due to forgetfulness, you may not get dehypnotized and continue to live and act ignorantly under hypnosis. Due to ignorance, you may not know correctly in the right context what is real from unreal, right from wrong, good from bad etc.

Right Meditation for True Self-Knowledge

Hypnosis and de-hypnosis is part of growth, maturity and development just like bonding and weaning is milestone in growth of infant. However, due to wrong growth, upbringing and lifestyle, you may never get dehypnotized and remain self-ignorant. You suffer due to ignorance.

You can truly know yourself through right meditation. Meditation dissociates you from known and unknown, relieves stress of association with known and unknown thus dispelling the self. Without self, you are no longer hypnotized by objects of self-interest.

Without hypnosis you are not self-ignorant, and you know yourself correctly in the right context. Free from self-ignorance, you become self-aware. Self-aware without self is true self-knowledge.

Self-aware, you are aware and detached from known and unknown. Aware and detached from known and unknown, you are not controlled by the effect of the known or unknown.

Meditation is practice of dehypnotizing yourself by withdrawing attention, calming the mind, relaxing the body and maintaining seamlessly clear detached self-awareness.